Practical Organics for New Zealand Farmers (Books), Waitakere in Waitakere, Auckland for sale


Practical Organics is a down-to-earth, accessible guide to farming the organic way. It will be hugely useful to farmers and others who are setting up or converting and managing a farm using organic methods. It is written in three parts - understanding, experience and beyond. Topics include: the soil - minerals, soil tests, worms and microorganisms; the plants - photosynthesis, plant analysis, pasture species and weeds; the animals -- health, ruminants, horses etc; changing to organics -- liming, fencing, fertilising, management, weed management, animal medicine, stock handling, problems; going official - certification; marketing; conservation. There is also a useful quick reference section with frequently asked questions. General Fields ISBN : 9780790009292 Publisher : Raupo Publishing (Nz) Ltd Imprint : Raupo Publishing (Nz) Ltd Publication date : December 2003 Dimensions : 240mm X 170mm Produced in : New Zealand Product Type : books Special Fields Illustrations : 100 b&w photos Pages : 256 Dewey classification : 631.5840993 Edition : illustrated edition Bind : Paperback Author : T. Fisk
T. Fisk
Practical Organics for New Zealand Farmers
Publisher name
Raupo Publishing (NZ) Ltd, Auckland
Shipping time
3 - 7 days
Publication year
First edition
Binding type
Soft cover
Listing condition
Item condition
Vendor name
Thirst for Firsts
Vendor rating
Gardening, Organictechnology, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry